Sunday, November 12, 2017

How to Improve Your Doll Photography

Step 1: Gear
Try to save up for a decent camera, some gear (even if it's a bit cheep), and an editing software. As for cameras, I use a Canon EOS sl2. It is a good camera that takes quality photos, but it is pricy. Even a point and shoot is an upgrade from a cell phone. Gear can get expensive. Thankfully my dad is a photographer so I can borrow some! I recommend a reflector and a flash that can attach to your camera. Also a tripod is good for low-light photography. If you can't get these items, a piece of cardboard with aluminum foil, a nice flashlight, and a stack of  books will do the trick. Finally, some editing software like Adobe Photoshop is expensive, but you get what you pay for-Photoshop is the best choice if you can afford it. However, there are many other softwares that are inexpensive and even free that get the gob done.
Step 2: Location, Props, and Poses
Location is important. You want good light but not overpowering light. A shady area in the afternoon is great. However, you don't need to take photos at noon because the light is too bright. Try not to have clutter in your background. Some props for indoor photos and plants and scenery in outdoor photos is fine, but junk piles, weeds, and clutter should be removed. Props are great, but don't over do it and don't use it in every shoot. A doll riding her bike or reading a book is super cute, but props go hand and hand with location. Don't use outdoor props for indoor shoots and visa versa. Dolls are difficult to pose but there are lots of cute ones out there. Also shoot from different angles to get a neat effect. Browse Pinterest and posing apps for ideas.
Step 3: Final Touches
Editing can turn a mediocre photo into a good one if you do it right. However, overdoing it makes it look cheesy and cheep. Touch up your dolls face a bit if possible, correcting small marks and brightening the eyes. Upload your photos to your phone and your ready to post on AGIG. There are lots of hashtags that will boost your likes. Look at accounts that get lots of likes and use the same hashtags. Good luck with your photos!! Please like and comment for more tutorials like this!!

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